Nima Baft Kashan Industries Co.

Mahoor Carpet Brand

Manufacturer And Exporter of Machine-made Carpet


In manufacturer of machine-made carpe


Different Designs

in several colors

Before imageAfter image

Agency Across The World

in export department



across the Iran

Product Category

Nima Baft Kashan Industries Co. Mahoor Carpet Brand

-Mehdi Zabeti “26 years of  experience in carpet production”

Nima Baft Co. as a machinery carpet manufacturer was founded in 1997 with the aim of innovation, exports and employment in Kashan, Iran.
This company has started its activities by using modern and newest technology of European machinery and quality control instrument such as technical raw material and woven products laboratory.
It attempts to improve their quality by employing professional and knowledgeable textile experts.

Mahoor Carpet Spreading Far Away

Mahoor Carpet at 2020 Domotex Exhibition

Domotex is the main and one of the most significiant carpet exhibition in the world in which Mahoor Carpet participates as Iranian carpet producers every year.